Monday, May 18, 2015

3 Foods that promote weight loss

I've added a few things to my diet to help me reach the 48 lbs i've lost since the beginning of March.  These items are things I didn't regularly eat. 

Yesterday, I wrote about three things i've limited in my diet recently.  And I wanted to share three things to add.  So here they are.

1. Protein

Okay, so protein was and will always be a part of my diet (I LOVE the stuff).  But I was eating all the wrong kinds.  First off, the way it was prepared was hurting me.  Fried, processed, fast food, and fat laden proteins will only add the LBs.

I've been eating a lot of protein of late.  8 ounces of baked or pan seared chicken (cooked only with spray pam) at lunch and dinner has been the staple.  However, I can eat 7 oz of most fish and 5.5 oz of lean beef (sirloin, chuck roast) twice a week.

I've also added 2 protein supplements a day to my repertoire. Usually, this consists of a protein shake and a protein bar in between meals.

Planned out correctly, this little addition can really promote weight loss.

2. Fruits

I've never been much of a fan of fruit until lately.  Taking our sugar (sodas, candy, chocolate) could have really taken a toll, but i've replaced those things with delicious fruits.  I really enjoy strawberries (with Stevia sprinkled on top), apples, green grapes, and cantaloupe.  Recently, i've even found myself enjoying watermelon (perhaps a new fave?).

When I taste sweet things, they really seem too sweet now.

3. Veggies

Now, i've always liked Vegetables pretty well.  I plant a garden every year and we grow tomatoes, squash, green beans, peppers, and various other things we've tried to grow.

But how i've added to my diet is in the amount I eat.  I make sure to eat two servings at lunch and two servings at dinner.  Broccoli is my staple, but I love to eat asparagus (when it's on sale), squash, zucchini, and green beans.

I've branched out a little and tried some others as well.

Adding these three things and thinking about what you're putting in your body can really make a big difference for your overall health.  I'll be sure to share some recipes on how to prepare them in a healthy (yet tasty) way in blog posts to come.

What's your favorite veggie and fruit?  Share in the comments below!

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